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Getting to Know Blackboard Ultra (Video Guide)

(question) This series of short videos is designed to help familiarize you with Ultra Course View.
In this Getting to Know Blackboard Ultra area, you will find a tour of Ultra course view from both student & instructor perspectives, a detailed overview of the toolbars.

As you watch videos you are encouraged to click on the three dots below the video to ask a question (or make a comment) or to search the video.

Tour of a course from instructor and student perspectives

Instructors can add documents, folders/modules, links, assessments, etc. the course content area using. In this video I show my course (from both the instructor and student perspectives) as an example of one way a course could be set up.

Key points in the video

Are you looking for something specific? You can search the video transcript by clicking on '…' on the bottom right of the video viewer!

  • Folders (or modules) can group information related to a specific topic/area (Similar to the area headings you may have had on your left side panel if you are transitioning from Original).

    • A document is can further organize contents by combining images, videos, word/pdf/ppt files, and text to help guide students through a more specific area (Instead of adding independent items that need to be opened and closed, a document allows the student to see text, images, etc all at once).

  • Instructors can easily move content in and out of folders by using the up and down arrows that appear when you hover over the content.

  • Instructors can access, edit, and grade assessments directly from the gradebook! You can also choose an individual student to see all their assignments and assessments.

  • Students will notice some ‘built in’ consistency as top and side toolbars are consistent in ALL ultra courses

  • Progress tracking can help students keep track of where they have been in the course and which tasks they have completed.

  • Students can access and submit assessments from the gradebook OR where the assessment is located in the course.

  • Students see a pop-up when the instructor has sent them out a new announcement to the class.

Overview of Course menus and toolbars

Ultra course view has a lot of potential for instructors - but requires a bit of reorienting (as tools and content is not always where you might expect). This video gives a very brief overview of where you will find tools and some tips of what you can do from each area.

Key points in the video

Are you looking for something specific? You can search the video transcript by clicking on '…' on the bottom right of the video viewer!

  • Any items created in blackboard with due dates will automatically populate on the calendar, you can also add items manually & set up reoccurring entries such as class schedule.

  • Discussion forums can be set up in the course content area and they will automatically populate in the discussions section (and vice versa).

  • Items can be viewed, edited, or graded from the gradebook.

  • Students & instructors can send course messages that will stay within Blackboard, optionally, you can have messages be copied to DC email addresses.

  • Instructors can provide accommodations (such as extra time on exams) from the roster. The accommodation is then automatically applied to all assessments administered through Blackboard within their course.

  • Instructors can set up groups/group sets and quickly move add or moved students to different groups!

  • When progress tracking is on for a course, the instructor can check the student progress for each course content item.

  • Instructors can track attendance (this will be viewable to the students on the left and if it is set as a gradable item, students will also see attendance in the gradebook).

  • Instructors can send announcements out to entire class; The next time students enter the course, the announcement will appear as a pop up.

  • Tools such as Kaltura, Hypothesis, Zoom etc can be accessed through the Books & Tools tab (Note: these tools can also be accessed in the main content area when ‘adding content’).

  • Instructors can add their course schedule, which will also populate the calendar.

Click on the 3 dots to ask a question or search the video!

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